It’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has shaped most of our lives. Something else that the ongoing pandemic is changing is how corporations view office space, productivity, and what may be the most beneficial situations for their employees as well as their stock holders. It’s also no secret that living through recent times have been stressful. Many people have reflected on what’s important in life, and corporations are taking notice.
We’ve all heard the term “work life balance” before, and many employers are quickly figuring out that happier employees often times lead to more stable and efficient employees. Not only that, it is a massive cost savings for many of these large corporations to perhaps give up expensive office leases in exchange for their employees to work from home and live wherever they would prefer. This is especially true for some of the largest tech companies in the United States.
While many tech companies shifted to work from home for their employees out of necessity and the safety of their workforce, a number of these tech companies have extended their policies or permanently adopted it altogether. If you are someone who is interested in a position with some of the world’s best known tech companies, you may want to consider checking out their career pages to see what positions may be a great fit for you.
A few of the best known tech companies have adopted a “work from anywhere” policy in which employees can travel and live a bit of a transient lifestyle if they choose, so long employees stay productive. Crypto marketplace Coinbase, the home to the front page of the internet Reddit, as well as insanely popular action camera company GoPro. These companies have encouraged employees to live where they please.
Even though you may see their name on some towering skyscrapers in many of America’s major cities, companies like SalesForce have a “mostly” work from home policy. While some employees are encouraged to come in a day or two per week to an office, there’s still a large contingent of their workforce that is entirely work from home. Digital file storage company Dropbox is another with a similar policy: some employees may need to visit an office one day per week or so, but many employees are not required to come into an office at all.
If you’re looking for a company that has adopted a permanent work from home policy, and you’re looking to work at some of the most well known companies in the world, you’re in luck. One of the most famous companies that said it would permanently shift to work from home is Twitter. While their Bay Area offices recently re-opened Twitter has encouraged its employees to work from home permanently if they desire.
If they would like to adopt a hybrid model of splitting time between the office and home, that is up to the employee but certainly not a requirement. Facebook, which employs 60,000 people had originally said only senior employees would be able to work permanently from home, however they have reversed that decision and said that anyone who is able to do their job remotely would have the option to work from home. Other companies with full work from home policies for the time being include Slack, AirBnB and IBM.
These companies employ a vast array of people at all skill levels, and they’re not the only tech companies to adopt full work from home. If the time has come where you’re interested in a work from home position with a major tech company, we encourage you to navigate to the career pages of these companies. There you will find open positions, and perhaps you’ll find just the perfect position for you, allowing achieve the work life balance that’s clearly becoming important to employee and employer.